9 Reasons Why You Should Take Up Latch Hooking
Are you bored of doing the same crafts and are looking for something new to add to your talents?
If you are looking for a fun and inexpensive craft to learn latch hooking projects may just be your thing. Latch hooking is a rug-making technique. It is a fun and relaxing craft. The benefit to latch hooking is that it is very easy to learn and it does not require many tools or materials to get started.
Latch hooking is my favorite craft, so if you have not tried it, I will give you 9 reasons (although I am sure that there are many more) why you should take up latch hooking.
1. It Is Easy And Does Not Require A Lot Of Skill
If you are wondering if latch hook projects are easy to do, the answer is yes. It is a great craft for beginners and also for those who are experienced in latch hooking. The only skill that is needed is learning how to use the latch hook tool to attach your yarn to the canvas.
While it may seem confusing in the very beginning it is easy to do. As a beginner, it may take a few tries to get the hang of it, but once you do then that is all that you will need to learn. You can do it without much thought and while you are watching television.
2. Only A Few Tools Are Needed
When it comes to latch hook projects you only need a few things to get started. You will need your latch hook tool, yarn, pattern, and a canvas. With these 4 items, you are on your way to creating your own little rug.
As you become more experienced you can even put together your own kit expanding it with other tools that you find useful. This homemade kit can include things such as scissors, a special marker, or a yarn cutting tool to name a few.
Again, however, to begin all the things that are needed are the latch hook tool, yarn, pattern and canvas. As long as you have these 4 items you can begin your rug.
3. It Is A Cheap Craft
With taking up any new craft you may be wondering about the cost. Latch hooking may be easy, but is it cheap? The answer is yes, it is a cheap craft to begin.
You can purchase the latch hook tool on its own for just under $10. One latch hook tool can be used for your different latch hook projects.
Although for beginners it is best to start with a kit. Within the kit you will find your latch hook tool, yarn, pattern, and canvas. You can find and purchase a kit at most craft stores or online. These kits you will provide you with everything that you need.
The cost of the kits varies depending on size and design. For beginners, you can purchase a kit for just under $20 depending on the size and design. There are options to buy more expensive kits once you have become a little more experienced. But for beginners, Latch hooking is an inexpensive craft to take up.
4. A Large Selection Of Kits To Choose From
You may be wondering if there is a good selection of kits out there. A simple online search will prove that there are many different kits in various patterns, themes, and designs out there.
You will find that there is also a wide variety of latch hook kits available in craft stores. You can find many different designs ranging from animals, flower designs, or color themes to various sizes to choose from.
You will have many options open to you when choosing a kit. I have also found saving the patterns from the different kits comes in handy.
You can just purchase more yarn and make another rug in the same pattern without having to purchase another kit.
5. Latch Hook Is Safe For Kids
Another great reason for taking up the craft of latch hooking is that it is safe for kids. If you have small kids, you do not have to worry about dangerous tools lying around.
You can work on it while your kids are playing nearby without the worry of them getting hurt. The only thing that you might have a problem with is them messing in the yarn. While this can be an inconvenience it will not harm them.
You even get latch hook kits which are designed for children. 6 years or older can take up latch hook projects. This is a great way for you and your kids to work on projects together.
6. Great For Decorating
Latch hook projects are great for decorating your home. You can turn them into larger rugs, or pillows.
You can use your finished projects as wall decorations that will give your home a creative look. Or you can have your small rugs placed in various places in your home to add a personal touch.
Latch hook rugs are also great for your pets. With the addition of our new kitten, I decided that I would make her a small rug to put in front of her bed. She not only lays on it but gets playful on it. Because it is made of yarn it is safe for pets and adds a nice soft place to rest and play.
7. Latch Hook Project Are A Cheap Gift Idea
When it comes time to thinking about gifts, latch hook rugs are great gifts. Not only will they add your personal touch to someone else’s home because it is handmade it will be valued.
Because the kits are inexpensive, a small rug will make a great gift for someone. Or you could make a pillow to give as a gift.
Because the kits come in so many different designs you can find the right one for just about anyone.
8. You Can Make Your Own Design
With latch hook projects comes a lot of flexibility. You can even draw your own design, or turn your favorite photograph into a wall hanging.
While making your own design is more complex than purchasing a kit, it gives you more space to be creative with your projects.
9. Freedom To Choose Your Own Colors
Along with making your own design you have the option to choose your own colors for your project. A simple walk through your local craft store will help you form new and creative ideas.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to designing your latch hook rug.
Final Thoughts
These are just some of the reasons that I have taken up latch hook. In the beginning, I wanted something easy and cheap, as well as something that I could use. I have found that latch hooking is one of my favorite crafts and encourages others to start their journey into a new and exciting craft.
We hope you have found our article 9 reasons why you should take up latch hooking to be helpful. You can also see our article Latch Hook Guide For Beginners.
Hopefully, this has gotten you excited to go out and try your hand at latch hooking. One word of caution, once you start it can turn into an addiction.
If you can think of any other reasons why to take up latch hooking please share them in the comments below and I will add them to the article.
Let’s share and learn together.
Happy Crafting!